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Sunday 7 June 2015

Townsville, Qld

Ratings: CP ** Surrounding ***

Tropical Townsville...where the Outback meets the Coral Sea and coconut palms frame Magnetic Island. The foreshore, known as The Strand, offers views across Cleveland Bay to Magnetic Island, plenty of family fun, waterfront dining or a relaxing 2.5 km stroll absorbing the atmosphere.  Stingers and the occasional crocodile inhabit these swimming areas at various times of the year and a crocodile had been sighted on the day we visited the foreshore. Needless to say, that deterred me from having my first swim in the Coral Sea!

Atop the giant pink granite monolith of Castle Hill which stands in the centre of Townsville and gives a panoramic view of Townsville and surrounds. It is also popular with those determined athletic types who use only their stamina (and perhaps a bicycle) to reach the summit ....that didn't include us!  We drove to the top on a steep and winding road.

The pink hues of Castle Hill.

We visited the Reef HQ Aquarium, the world's largest living coral reef aquarium and the national education centre for the Great Barrier Reef. We were treated to an informative talk about sea turtles and a visit to the turtle hospital at the aquarium. This green sea turtle was recovering from a spinal injury following a strike by a boat's propeller. Australia is home to 6 of the 7 species of sea turtles in the world and they are endangered mainly due to human activities. They also have many predators and only one sea turtle in 1000 is likely to survive to maturity.

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