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Sunday 5 July 2015

Lake Eacham, Qld

The duck pond and gardens at our Lake Eacham caravan park where thoughts were interrupted only by the quacking and slashing of contented ducks feeding in the pond.
Lake Eacham is a Maar which is a volcanic crater formed as a result of two massive underground explosions from super-heating of the groundwater. After the eruptions, the ground water filled the crater forming Lake Eacham. Studies of the organic sediment from the lake has shown that the crater formed around 10 000 years ago and pollen studies indicate that at that time, the vegetation was dry forest as described in the Aboriginal story of the creation of the lake. It is now tropical wet rain forest.
Ratings: CP ** Surroundings **** 

Strangler fig trees and buttressed giants can be seen in the rain forest along the edges of the lake.

Photograph taken by Gillian with her mobile
I was lucky to see saw-shelled adult and baby turtles during a late afternoon walk around the lake. Children nearby were amused to hear that the turtles can stay under water for prolonged periods as they obtain oxygen from the water through their "bottoms" ie: cloaca in addition to through their skin and mouths!

Lake Barrine where cruises are offered to spot wildlife and Devonshire teas can be enjoyed at the 80 year old tea house.

Baskets of flowers line the wide streets and lanes of the picturesque Tablelands village of Yungaburra. It was established in 1890 and with 18 heritage listed buildings, is the largest National Trust village in Queensland.

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