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Thursday 3 March 2016

Robe, South Australia

Rating: CP ** Surroundings ***

The Obelisk at Cape Dombey was erected in 1852 to guide mariners into Guichen Bay. It was believed to be painted with the red and white stripes to be clearly seen from 20 kilometres out to sea.

Doorway Rock...the waters and winds of the Southern Ocean have eroded parts of the limestone coast sculpturing the seascape. The Little Dip Conservation Park, just south of Robe was set aside to protect the rugged Southern Ocean coastline, a large area of coastal dune systems, part of the Lake Eliza foreshore and a number of small inland lakes. Large numbers of Aboriginal people lived in this area thousands of years ago with the sea providing plenty of food such as shellfish.... the discarded remains forming 'middens' or shell heaps are reminders of the past.

Lest we forget. A poignant reminder of Gallipoli.

Robe has a seafaring history dating back to 1847 when it was declared a port. There are over 84 historic buildings and sites with many of the original buildings restored. This quaint cornerstone cottage with a splash of red against the limestone caught my eye!

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