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Monday 1 December 2014

Narembeen, WA

"Let's go...it's time to plough our lands!" (except that it's still harvesting season in the Central Wheatbelt). Narembeen is an Aboriginal name meaning "the place of female emus" (the Noongar Njaki-Njaki clan come from this area). The town was established in 1922 when sandalwood, wool and sheep were farmed. The very informative Grain Discovery Centre tells the history of grain growing in Western Australia from the early settler days until today using diagrams, posters, photographs, electronic media and exhibitions of paraphernalia from bygone days.

The morning after...Narembeen welcomed us with caravan-shaking gusts of wind, an stunning aerial display of lightening against a darkened sky and rolling thunder followed by pelting rain. The early hours of the morning brought the clattering of hailstones on our roof and a terrified Micah sharing our bed! Damage was minimal- a few dents to the bonnet of the Patrol and to the aluminium door of the caravan storage cupboard. Others in the park weren't so lucky!
Ratings: CP * Surroundings *

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