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Wednesday 24 December 2014

Walpole, WA

Christmas at Walpole!  Arrived at an almost empty caravan park but by Christmas Day the hundred and fifty site were taken.
Ratings: CP **** Surroundings **** 

Forest walk amongst ancient karri, tuart and red tingle trees on the edge of the Walpole-Nornalup inlet which is almost surrounded by national park. Bird song permeates the cool air and sightings of the tiny songsters are a challenge. Sealers and whalers used timber from these forests for their boats in the early 1800s and stock camps were established along the coast in the 1850s. Permanent settlement began in 1910.

Fishing with Pelicans.... casting out a line from the jetty hoping to catch our evening meal.

Silver Gull on Walpole Inlet in the evening light. A time for quiet reflection.....and a glass of local wine!

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