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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Leasingham (Clare Valley), SA

Ratings: CP ** Surroundings ***

Wandering in the middle of the Spring Gully Conservation Park which protects the only stand of red stringybarks in South Australia. Sevenhill Cellars nearby is the oldest winery in the Clare Valley and has been owned and operated by Jesuits since 1851. They still produce sacramental wine as well as table wines.

With their fruits harvested, unbroken lines of green, gold vines disappear against autumn skies in the Clare Valley.

Colours of autumn cascade from the roof and drape the patterns of wrought iron at The Teapot, Mintaro. The building dates from 1853 and belonged to John Huxtable who worked here as a shoemaker.

Varying shades of slate from the local quarry can be seen in many buildings in Mintaro. A bicycle rests against the wall of the Mintaro General Store ....perhaps indicative of the simplicity of days gone by. The store, which was also built in 1853, adjoins The Teapot.

A famished man waits at the iconic local Magpie and Stump pub in Mintaro for his fish and chips! The pub was licensed in 1851 and catered for the needs of rowdy, wild bullock and mule drivers who passed through transporting cooper and coal from Burra to Port Wakefield. Nowadays it's frequented by locals, holidaymakers and itinerants like us, not necessarily rowdy and wild!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Kapunda (Barossa), SA

Ratings: CP ** Surroundings ***

In memory of nurses who served in both world wars. The bust of this serene woman stands in a dedicated rose garden along with tributes to the contribution of women and children during those wars.

Kapunda is a small town on the edge of the Barossa wine growing area and is steeped in a bygone era with some beautifully preserved buildings. There is even a 'ghost tour' for visitors wanting to commune with ghosts of the past! This museum used to be a Baptist Church which was built in 1866. The architecture is French Romanesque. The town was established in 1839 and copper was discovered by accident on a hill of a farm in 1842. It is said to be the oldest mining town in Australia. Sidney Kidman, a pastoralist who owned land across Australia the size of the British Isles, married a woman from Kapunda and settled in this area where a trail has been established in his memory.

We discovered this lovely old Anglican Church down a side street. It was built in 1857 and the bell was made in England.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wilmington, SA

This Morris Commercial is an icon at rustic Stony Creek Bush Camp juxtaposed with our home on wheels in the background.
Ratings: CP ** Surroundings ***

Contrasting colours discovered during our hike through Alligator Gorge in Mount Remarkable National Park.

Relics of a giant ancient tree at the base of the gorge where waters once raged.

A narrow passage of rocks shine in the soft light, so smooth to touch.

Tree and rock in harmony, it seems. Part of this living tree has grown against and around a section of the rock face.

How small and insignificant one feels in this awe inspiring landscape!

Kimba, SA

Ratings: CP * Surroundings *

We visited The Big Galah during an overnight stay in this rural town established in 1915 which claims to be halfway across Australia....almost but not quite according to Dave's mathematical calculations!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Port Lincoln, SA

Ratings: CP *** Surroundings ****

A cruise liner in Boston Bay visiting the "seafood capital of Australia" on a cloudy windy day. We have spent time walking parts of the Parnkalla Trail which meanders along the Port Lincoln coastline for 14 kms. Parnkalla is the name of the Aboriginal tribe in the area. Their language might have been lost were it not for a German Lutheran missionary, Clamar Schurmann, who recorded and published a dictionary with 2500 Parnkalla words in 1844. Members of the community in Port Lincoln are currently working on a Parnkalla dictionary for children.

Colours of the Australian landscape reflected in the skies and ocean on our last morning in Port Lincoln.

Nature's palette of ever changing colours and reflections on Boston Bay.

Morning silhouettes as we farewell Port Lincoln.

Monday 9 March 2015

Coffin Bay, SA

Ratings: CP ** Surroundings ***

Some quality time at Port Lincoln on the last day of travelling with Micah (12.12.05 - 5.3.15) but his spirit remains with us.

Rainbow Lorikeets play before roosting for the night.

Coffin Bay

Thursday 5 March 2015

Elliston, SA

Lunchtime stop at Streaky Bay on the way to Elliston.

Grass underfoot at last! Peaceful Elliston Caravan Park on the Eyre Peninsula.
Ratings: CP *** Surroundings **

Waterloo Bay viewed from scenic drive at Elliston.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Ceduna, SA

The sun sets over the Bight.... view from our bedroom window at Ceduna's Shelly Beach Caravan Park.
Ratings: CP ** Surrounds **

Our "top of the dunes" site!

Nundroo, SA

The amazing Bunda Cliffs, which extend for approximately 100 km along the Great Australian Bight, are between 60 and 120 metres high.

One of the worst ........
Ratings: CP * Surroundings *

The Nullarbor Links hole at Nundroo Roadhouse is called "Wombat Hole" in honour of the more than 2.5 million Southern Hairy Nose Wombats that live in the area.

Sunrise on Wombat Hole's green and fairway!