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Tuesday 17 March 2015

Port Lincoln, SA

Ratings: CP *** Surroundings ****

A cruise liner in Boston Bay visiting the "seafood capital of Australia" on a cloudy windy day. We have spent time walking parts of the Parnkalla Trail which meanders along the Port Lincoln coastline for 14 kms. Parnkalla is the name of the Aboriginal tribe in the area. Their language might have been lost were it not for a German Lutheran missionary, Clamar Schurmann, who recorded and published a dictionary with 2500 Parnkalla words in 1844. Members of the community in Port Lincoln are currently working on a Parnkalla dictionary for children.

Colours of the Australian landscape reflected in the skies and ocean on our last morning in Port Lincoln.

Nature's palette of ever changing colours and reflections on Boston Bay.

Morning silhouettes as we farewell Port Lincoln.

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