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Wednesday 25 March 2015

Kapunda (Barossa), SA

Ratings: CP ** Surroundings ***

In memory of nurses who served in both world wars. The bust of this serene woman stands in a dedicated rose garden along with tributes to the contribution of women and children during those wars.

Kapunda is a small town on the edge of the Barossa wine growing area and is steeped in a bygone era with some beautifully preserved buildings. There is even a 'ghost tour' for visitors wanting to commune with ghosts of the past! This museum used to be a Baptist Church which was built in 1866. The architecture is French Romanesque. The town was established in 1839 and copper was discovered by accident on a hill of a farm in 1842. It is said to be the oldest mining town in Australia. Sidney Kidman, a pastoralist who owned land across Australia the size of the British Isles, married a woman from Kapunda and settled in this area where a trail has been established in his memory.

We discovered this lovely old Anglican Church down a side street. It was built in 1857 and the bell was made in England.

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